
The Leader in Loan Quotation and Loan Calculation Software

Announcing Our Partnership with the Plateau Group

Submitted 2015-09-29 09:54:00 -0700

WinLoan-32 is our loan calculation and quotation software for the Windows desktop, supporting consumer, commercial, and mortgage loans. The Plateau Group, Inc. (PGI), an insurance and financial services company based in Crossville, Tennessee, has over 30 years of experience working with financial institutions to provide insurance solutions and services to their customers. PGI offers a full range of insurance products, plus debt protection and reinsurance programs from Maine to the Pacific Islands.

“To help our customers achieve their sales goals, PGI has partnered with Sherman & Associates to provide insurance quotations via a customized eWinLoan installation. Sherman and Associates also works with our customers to ensure their core systems are setup to match the rates and calculations as necessary for each line of business. In addition, PGI uses SCEX for its unique sales and processing system - FourPoint™. SCEX gives FourPoint™ the flexibility to match any bank loan origination system. SCEX provides us the ability to accurately quote and disclose to our clients. We’re excited to have Sherman & Associates as a strategic partner.”

— Dick Williams, President

The Plateau Group is a key valued partner, employing our full range of services: consulting, eWinLoan, and our peerless calculation engine, the SCEX (used in their FourPoint system). We are very fortunate to have the Plateau Group as a partner.