HOEPA Updates for 2020
The CFPB is adjusting two dollar amounts that are used in the “points and fees” trigger for coverage under HOEPA for calendar year 2020. The two dollar amounts are (1) the loan amount threshold (changing from $21,549 to $21,980), and (2) the total points and fees amount (changing from $1,077 to $1,099). All of our core products have been updated to include these new amounts, ensuring that your organization is compliant with the new year’s values.
For our current customers, these updated amounts will be found in the hcm.ini file included with the October 2019 release of the SCEX, eWinLoan, and WinLoan32. If you would like a copy of this updated file for manual installation, please contact us.
This year will see further regulatory changes affecting lending calculations and disclosures. J. L. Sherman & Associates promises to continue to keep you in compliance with whatever regulations affecting the calculations we provide, may come along.