
The Leader in Loan Quotation and Loan Calculation Software

Company Overview

image-title-here J. L. Sherman and Associates, Inc. provides expertise (in a variety of formats) in the mathematics of lending with payment protection products. The company was founded in 1986, and is headquartered in beautiful San Marcos, California.

When the company was initially incorporated, custom programmed handheld computers and consulting services were our primary products. Within a few years, J. L. Sherman and Associates became the largest provider of handheld software and computers, delivering to over 100,000 end-users in North America.

With changes in technology came the growth into the wide range of products which we offer today. We provide the most complete loan calculation software for consumer and commercial lending in the market today, incorporating virtually all loan structures and payment protection methods. The same loan calculation engine supporting our end user software is employed by some of the largest banks and loan origination service companies in the industry.

With the recent increase in regulatory oversight from Washington D.C., our loan compliance engine which covers APR calculations and Truth In Lending disclosures, HOEPA and High Priced Mortgage Loan (HPML) tests, has become extremely popular.

As in the beginning, expertise in the mathematics of lending remains the foundation of our company. The format in which that expertise is delivered will continue to evolve as new technologies require, and we will continue to be there to support your needs as they arise. Please contact us if you have any questions.